Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) - Steinadler
Aigle royal - Aquila reale - Беркут – イヌワシ
The Golden eagle is togeher with the peregrine falcon
one of the two fastest birds and animals in the world.
Wingspan 1.80 - 2.80 m (5 ft 1 in - 9ft 3 in ) Weight 2.5 - 7.2 kg (5.5 -16.0 lb)
The average cruising speed is about 40 – 50 km/h (25 – 31 mph),
but when diving for prey he can reach 240 - 320 km/h (150 - 200 mph)
The Golden Eagle is the second largest eagle
in Europe, North America and North Africa.
Due to systematic persecution by the aristocratic hunters
and farmers during several centuries, there are
Golden Eagles today in Europe living only in the alps.
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